Who We Are

The Child Development Research Unit (CDRU) is a research laboratory at the University of Guelph that studies critical developmental issues related to child health. We focus on promoting safety and injury prevention for children and youth. As the director of the CDRU, Dr. Morrongiello has become a top contributor to the field of Developmental Psychology by designing innovative research and intervention projects that have been shown to improve safety knowledge and reduce unintentional injuries for children. The CDRU has several full-time staff members and includes students of all levels: PhD; masters; undergraduate thesis students, interns, and volunteers.
Studies may involve phone surveys, in-person visits to our lab on campus, or lab members visiting the homes of our research participants. Some studies focus on children, others on parents, and some involve the entire family!
What We Do
Hear Dr. Barbara Morrongiello speak more about the research conducted in the CDRU by playing the video below.